7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
60697400 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Real Indian Cuisine baked Beef, lamb and seafood in a Tandoori ovens
Indian cuisine specializes in spices, baking and roasting to create Flavors variations, and a single dish can even be sweet, sour, spicy and crispy. Although there are many Indian restaurants in Hong Kong, authentic flavours are rare. Chutney, a Central Indian restaurant, uses the Indian sauce Chutney to bring out the traditional Flavors of India.
Chutney is a traditional Indian sauce with special spicy flavour. It's not hard to see all kinds of chutney on the streets of India. Basically, chili sauce, onion sauce, tomato sauce, and so on are all called chutney by the locals, and all of them have the same spicy Flavors in common, so you can imagine that the dishes here are mainly made with strong spices.
We must mention the two large Tandoori ovens in the restaurant, which are a traditional cooking method and a must for authentic Indian cuisine. The chef will put pizzas, meats and seafood into the oven to be roasted, and the meat will come out hot and crispy, while the even heat will make the meat tender and juicy.


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Review (334)
Level4 2024-04-24
🤤 高級印度菜終於唔係重慶大廈食印度嘢依家位於中環嘅鄰近石板街 都有唔少朋友推薦一出電梯,有職員係門口帶位,而餐廳入口掛好簾,增加私隱度入去既環境十分之舒服,色彩和諧,同重慶大廈嘅餐廳十分之唔同! 而餐廳都真係有好多印度人一家大小食飯架 🤤 感覺就已經好加分Raj kachori 呢個用左印度脆餅包住 薯仔,蜜瓜,蘋果等等外面淋滿乳酪醬同羅望子醬食落去口感好豐富,而味道既特別但又和諧、清新 Sarson malai jheenga 呢個蝦好好食,有啲融合咗印度同西式嘅感覺輕輕炸過嘅蝦,外面帶有少少芥末味,而伴碟好colourful既係唔同醬汁,紅菜頭、番石榴、酸辣醬蝦肉煎得香口彈牙,伴以唔同醬汁,都依然好match,食落又好開胃,what a nice appetiser 🤩Lagan ka gosht咖喱羊肉,食印度菜離唔開嘅嘢之一香料味唔太搶,但又好香,同naan 一齊食,簡直冇得輸 🤤Truffle naan 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟呢個超推薦! 職員話係新作黎架!Naan入面有芝士,而面頭搽上咗一浸松露醬 本身呢個組合已經好難唔好食! 更重要嘅係!佢既大家窯爐令佢個餅煙靭軟熟!真係好難得有個咁好食既naan (我哋好飽都食晒佢)Pistachio kulfi 呢個傳統印度甜品,口感雖然唔似雪糕咁幼滑不過奶味都幾重,面頭灑有果仁,口感唔錯Coco man sour 另外呢度嘅Cocktail令我喜出望外! 呢杯真心refreshing 又好飲!酒精味唔會太搶,而成個組合令唔好酒既朋友都大讚 ✨食物質素唔錯!服務又超好!有啲似一間fine dining 既印度菜 💫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-24
中環有間充滿華麗宮廷色彩的印度餐廳, 最利害嘅係佢有倆個窯爐,可以即場烤制食物, 令食物嘅惹味度倍增。🍭Romanesco & Beef Salad呢個係印式🇮🇳沙律🥗, 用咗好多沙律菜🥦配烤雞🐔, 焦香嘅烤雞配爽脆嘅沙律菜,係個最强嘅開胃菜👍🍭Celeriac Miloni呢個菜開寬對印度菜嘅認識😋, 係用香料同好多新鮮嘅雜菜同菜根煮成嘅, 原來可以咁惹味, 印度菜唔單只香辣, 仲可有鮮同清新。🍭Tandoori Cauliflower 又一大發現, 菜花沾上乳酪同芝士現烤,變成香滑奶味濃郁嘅菜花, 口感綿密又爽脆。 🍭Truffle Cheese Naan用呢度嘅窑即場烤製!係香港好少有嘅奢華, Naan 送來時超香松露味, Naan鬆軟彈牙, 即場烤係特別好食。🍭Butter Chicken 呢個係餐廳嘅名物,香辣咖哩配嫩滑雞肉, 味道係香但唔太辣, 只是好惹味, 再用Nann 沾食, 好有印度風。🍭Moon Dal Halwa係一個圓形嘅餅, 有腰果同開心果碎响面, 口感煙韌有嚼勁,雖話係甜品, 但因係豆制品, 所以唔會太甜, 而且感覺在補充植物蛋白質, 好有健康感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-14
I had a wonderful dining experience at Chutney in Central with a friend. The restaurant not only offers delicious food but also boasts a beautiful street view of Tai Kwun. It created a lovely atmosphere that made our lunch even more enjoyable.For our lunch set, we started with the Keema Pav, a mouthwatering dish that consisted of minced lamb cooked with aromatic spices and served with soft, buttery pav bread. The flavors were rich and well-balanced, and the bread was the perfect accompaniment. It was a fantastic way to kick off our meal.Next, we tried the Tandoor Octopus, a unique and intriguing choice. The octopus was perfectly grilled, tender, and had a delightful smoky flavor. The spices used in the marinade added a lovely kick to the dish, making it a standout option for seafood lovers.Moving on, we indulged in the Achari Beef Short Rib. The meat was succulent, and the achari marinade provided a tangy and spicy twist. The dish was bursting with flavor, and the accompanying Naan complemented it beautifully.We couldn't resist trying the Old Delhi Butter Chicken, and we were not disappointed. The chicken was incredibly tender and bathed in a luscious buttery tomato sauce that had just the right amount of spices. Each bite was a perfect balance of richness and tanginess, making it a must-try for any Indian cuisine enthusiast.To accompany the mains, there is the Butter Naan. The bread was freshly baked, soft, and had a delightful buttery flavor. It was the perfect vehicle for scooping up the delicious mains and enhanced the overall dining experience.Finally, we ended our meal with the Sweet of the Day, making our lunch most satisfying! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-06
放工同朋友嚟食印度菜前菜Raj Kachori都係第一次見依個小食外面係一層脆脆 裏面就有蘋果 香蕉 再加埋薄荷醬同乳酪 好新奇嘅配搭😂味道幾清新幾得意keema pav麵包烘到暖粒粒 再加少少脆  食落好香好鬆軟配少少辛口嘅咖喱 再加埋流心嘅鵪鶉蛋 不得了耶Lagan Ka Gosht依款咖喱相對比較辣🫣要配埋naan一齊食 無得輸Garlic naan好大塊 好軟熟 蒜香味好出Rajasthani Bhindi (V) Passion Fruit Coconut Cake食完濃味嘢 最後小清新一下Mango Lassi印度菜最愛嘅飲品🫶🏻好濃郁嘅芒果🥭質感好厚身 好好飲Rose Lassi原本驚玫瑰味好假 好在又還好但因為無咗芒果嘅甜 所以酸味比較重 🤏🏻滿足嘅一餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
高級印度餐廳,感覺高貴,店員有禮,地方整潔,裝修非常細緻,望住大館,環境清幽🌱喜慶節日嚟呢度慶祝夠晒特別❤️~餐前會有Plain Papad, 3隻鮮艷顏色嘅天然醬料~🔴紅菜頭醬🟡芒果菠蘿醬🟢薄荷醬我哋叫咗兩個lunch set❤️❤️前菜有三款可以選擇❤️主菜亦都有五款可以選擇❤️可以另加羊架雞肉鱸魚拼盤❤️甜品🇮🇳 Chicken Tikka Salad(Tandoori fresh local chicken, Salad leaves, Fresh coriander, Dry fruits and Mix nuts~傳統印度雞肉好入味)🇮🇳 Tandoor Octopus(八爪魚又淋又彈牙,經過炭烤之後散發八爪魚嘅香味👍🏻~推介)🇮🇳 Mix Tandoor Platter(呢個拼盤有烤羊架、烤鱸魚、烤雞肉!各種唔同嘅肉經過Tandoor ovens 帶有焦香,而且還有滿滿肉汁)🇮🇳 Achari Beef Short Rib(牛肉經過烤箱烤焗之後,再配上美味嘅Achari醬汁)🇮🇳 Fish Moilee Curry(咖喱是印度快樂的泉源❤️,「Moilee」意思是「來自海洋」⋯這款咖喱係主廚自豪之作👍🏻)🇮🇳斑斕蛋糕(唔會太甜,簡單清香🌱)🇮🇳 Mango Lassi🇮🇳 Coco Man Sour(兩杯都是大有酸酸甜甜嘅感覺,配搭比較重口味嘅印度菜,可以解膩😍) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)