3-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (94)
🔸Napoleon TartSecond time of trying their signatory tart and I strongly recommend you to try it while it is still hot 🔥 The star-shaped tart is not only photo friendly but also confectionery🌟. The custard is creamy and the crunchy pastry layered with caramel further elevates the texture of the dessert. 😋🔸Chocolate Flat CroissantOne of the secret behind the hype is that the bakery continued to unleash new products and catching up the trend🏃🏻‍♀️💨. The croissant is crumbly, coated with rich chocolate and sprinkled with hazelnut. An irresistible way to start your day.🍫💓🔸 Early Grey Pineapple Bun with ButterButter overloaded 🧈Unique flavoured pineapple butter is another signatory bun 🍍The earl grey is very savoury and with the butter slice, its richness resembles milk tea ☕🔸Taro Mochi BunThe pretty bun in sakura shape 🌸 Taiwan taro is used and the mochi is chewy. Definitely something you cannot miss❣️🍭Hashtag B🍭Shop F, G/F, Po Wing Building, 73 Lee Garden Road Causeway Bay continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-25
呢間烘焙店開幕之後長期當紅次次經過都好多人排隊適逢今日落雨天無咩人,終於可以去試吓🤭除左最出名嘅拿破崙焦糖千層撻呢度麵包款式都幾多,味道都幾特別~人氣產品拿破崙焦糖千層撻果然好味😋 就算唔返熱個千層撻都好鬆脆,雖然係焦糖但唔會太甜,牛油和蛋味香濃,比起另一間出名烘焙店,size 比想像中大😛 個人認為值得回購另外都試左幾款麵包,覺得玄米茶鬆餅偏厚實,但好啱配咖啡☕️~蘋果金寶酥同開心果酥的酥皮仍是夠脆香的,味道比千層撻偏甜~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-24
🥧拿破崙焦糖千層撻🫖伯爵茶菠蘿包🍞明太子酥⚫竹炭腸仔包.⚡終於嚟朝聖超人氣嘅hashtag b ,星期日嘅12點半左右嚟到,人龍已經長到要打蛇餅🫠不過無阻小女子勢要食到嘅決心😤🥧拿破崙焦糖千層撻比想像中大件呢,有成隻手掌咁大,性價比好高😳即便唔係新鮮出爐,就咁咬都非常酥脆,唔會好重牛油油膩感,食得出好豐富嘅層次,蛋層嫩滑,咬完先知原來底層有焦糖液😳幾令人驚喜✨.⚡順便入手幾枚麵包做早餐,全部都非常不錯呢~尤其🍞明太子酥超正der🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-22
⚠️利申沒有用餐優惠⚠️未開門人龍已經長到打曬蛇餅🥲好彩都可以趕喺佢出爐食到個新鮮滾熱辣嘅花花蛋撻🌼 拿破侖焦糖千層撻 ($18)蛋撻外型好似一朵花,賣相吸引撻皮看似曲奇餅底;實際系酥脆嘅千層酥皮蛋液焗起充滿蛋香,特別之處系底部有一層焦糖醬,唔算太甜,同蛋液好夾💯鋪頭除咗有人氣蛋撻,仲有好多款飽點,口味眾多好吸引🤩我都買咗幾款番屋企試🤭其中芝士Bagel夠實淨,有淡淡燒芝士味;明太子酥好香牛油味,明太子醬配青瓜條味道好夾!腸仔竹炭包夠鬆軟,配法蘭克福腸加芝士好惹味😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-22
去親尖沙咀都會經過依間餅店,不時有人排長龍,剛好早幾日下晝見無乜人排,去睇下有咩麵包啱食,佢哋嘅拿破侖焦糖千層撻好出名,可惜已經賣哂,如果想食要一早黎排隊先會買到😢所以買左另一款柚子千層撻同牛角酥、明太子熱狗同伯爵忌廉芝士貝果返到屋企再翻焗左一下先食,柚子千層撻外皮千層酥皮非常酥脆,柚子芝士餡質感滑嫩,食落微酸同食到淡淡芝士香,唔會覺得好漏,唔錯明太子熱狗中間有滿滿明太子醬,夾左酸瓜,面層芝士焦令整體味道更惹味香口伯爵忌廉芝士貝果比一般食到嘅硬身少少,但可接受,伯爵茶味道好突出,粒粒芝士餡又唔會有負擔,茶香配芝士啱啱中和左 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)