1-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant is decorated in blue, giving us the feel of an island resort. All dishes are made with Canadian Boston lobster, the prices are reasonable and the food is high quality. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
16:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (150)
Level1 2024-04-30
I ordered lobster dishes, starters pasta and soup. I am very disappointed as I don’t think there was half a lobster claw in total of my meal. The pasta was bland, the taco only had celery and sauce and the soup was poor. The total lobster meat in 3 dishes is likely less than half a claw. That’s how terrible it was. Quite pricy for less meat than a canned lobster soup. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-11
自從喺泰國食咗一次Lobster roll之後,就一直念念不忘佢啖啖肉嘅口感。終於有一日忍唔住搵邊間Lobster roll好食,見到都有唔少人推薦呢一間餐廳,咁就決定去試一試。當日係下午茶時間去,餐廳唔算好大所以好彩當日冇乜人。餐廳嘅裝修就好似置身喺海洋世界,見到個八爪魚大公仔個下忍唔住想攬吓佢。‣ Lobster Roll $278食過唔同嘅Lobster roll用唔同嘅麵包皮,我自己個人都係最鍾意Toast,但係呢一個Lobster roll 咬落去嘅時候都係脆口嘅,有烤焗過,呢點我覺得好滿意,只係如果牛油味再重啲就更加好。而主角龍蝦肉嗰個部份我覺得相當出色,真係令我回憶起係泰國食嘅味道,醬汁creamy得嚟唔膩,混合檸檬汁同埋青瓜令到成個感覺清新咗唔少。而面頭嘅蔥花令成個Lobster Roll望落好吸引,只不過濃郁嘅醬汁係令你唔會食得出蔥花嘅味道。‣ Lobster Mac & Cheese $288其實食完個Roll之後都有少少飽,有種感覺係明知食唔晒但係我都仲係好想叫返個Mac & Cheese試吓。見到啲芝士拉絲嘅時候真係心心眼,個份濃郁嘅芝士味令我覺得鍾意食芝士嘅人一定唔可以錯過,口感順滑,真係可以做到緊貼住每一條通心粉。而通心粉仍然保持到嗰種煙韌度,唔會太過淋。當然有啲遺憾嘅就係我覺得龍蝦肉唔算太多,但係由於有Lobster roll嘅緣故,我覺得都已經食得夠龍蝦肉㗎啦,最後飽到頂肚我都食晒成份Mac & Cheese。#foodbara_diary continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-08
The lobster-themed restaurant on the second street has been my bookmark restaurant for a while and finally I’ve visited on a Thursday night. The small restaurant is just a few steps away from the MTR station. The dining area is small yet nicely decorated. Both lighting and music create a relaxing atmosphere.We’ve tried 2 dishes. (1) Lobster Mac & Cheese - The creamy and cheesy Mac & Cheese can’t be wrong and the lobster definitely brought the richness and flavour to another level. Recommend to be shared by 2 as it could be quite heavy. Very tasty and satisfying!(2) Beef cheek with smashed potatoes - beef cheek is tender and juicy as expected although it’s less impressive for me comparing to the Lobster Mac & Cheese.Kinda sad to see we were the only customers for dinner☹️ Currently 20% off is offered for booking via Eatigo and hope to see more customers to enjoy the quality food next time. The restaurant definitely worth more supports! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-04
好耐無嚟食嚕lunch set都幾抵食Starter: -Lobster Bisque 係一個好飲嘅湯 但同龍蝦關係好似不大🫣-Crab Cake with Tarter Sauce都係第一次見咁薄身嘅crab cake 味道正常嘅 但唔好當佢係一個crab cake😂Main:-Ribeye Steak “Grass-Fed” $158草飼嘅健康牛牛🐮牛味幾濃 都煎得幾香但就少少韌 同埋有啲筋位-Mac and Cheese $138幾款嘅芝士 加埋一齊好香面層嘅芝士焗到好脆好味耶~而且都唔算好漏不過食到中後就有啲悶 如果可以加lobster/ 肉 咁就更加好嚕甜品: panna cotta 奶味好重 not my thing continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-01
呢間龍蝦專門店weekday日日都有優惠星期一就係第二道龍蝦菜式半價!!!.燒原隻龍蝦食剩指數:0/100龍蝦好新鮮肉質彈牙仲要有兩隻大鉗好多肉好滿足.Lobster Mac & Cheese食剩指數:0/100通心粉加入了大量芝士好拉絲~~~~入面好多龍蝦肉咁多芝士食落神奇地唔會好滯!!.食海鮮就梗係配Prosecco另一杯Aperol spritz都係Prosecco底~~~佢既酸度同氣泡令成個餐更清爽.Lobster Shack地址 :西環西營盤第二街6-8號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)