2-min walk from Exit C, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus OpenRice Pay PayMe
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Review (224)
Level4 2024-05-16
今次我哋嚟到油麻地搵嘢食,呢間舖頭喺正地鐵站附近,仲要喺彌敦道,夠晒方便🙌🏻!平日嚟到都好旺場,我哋就揀咗夜晚時候嚟到😝。呢度除咗點心,仲有籠仔蒸飯同埋特色甜品添💕。.♨️籠仔金銀蒜海蝦飯($44)真係超級香口,蒜蓉粉量超級多🧄,有濃濃嘅蒜香味,配埋豉油就更加惹味。飯上面仲有五片對半切開嘅蝦👅,連蝦膏都充滿蒜蓉嘅香濃味道,攞嚟送飯真係好香口。.🦐蝦餃(2粒)($16)呢度點心仲有得兩件咁樣嗌✌🏻,啱晒人少少又想食點心!蝦肉份量幾多,而且食落彈牙🫦。.🐷燒賣(2粒)($16)真心高質😎!燒賣大大粒,口感好正,蝦肉嘅爽口、蟹籽卜卜脆、豬肉燒賣嘅嫩身,滿足晒想食燒賣嘅願望💕。.🌊五香鹹水角($22)調味適中,唔會過鹹,裏面嘅餡料亦都幾香。而且外層炸得好酥脆💥。.🐥豉汁蒸鳳爪($23)味道夠晒香口,鳳爪整得夠軟腍😋。啜住香濃嘅鳳爪,啱晒送飯。.🧁榴槤雪媚娘($35)舖頭最出名嘅甜品!榴槤味超級香濃,加埋裏面軟滑忌廉、綿滑榴槤肉好好味😍,出面嘅外皮煙靭有口感。.🐮醬皇金錢肚($28)食落幾香口,而且金錢肚嘅質地好好🙌🏻,夠軟嫩。底下嘅蘿蔔亦都索咗醬汁嘅香味🥘。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-08
Delicious Hong Kong-style yum cha place. Convenient location in Nathan Road. Very reasonably priced, quick services and friendly staff. Spicy stuffed bell peppers in double colours. Seldom do we have both red and green spicy bell peppers stuffed with panfried fish pastes, so it’s a delight! Rice rolls with crispy shell and braised radish, I tried this with Mrs Golden-tongued in the Mongkok branch before and it was nice, so I have to re-order it again. Black truffle shrimp dumplings, wrapped with big shrimps but the black truffle on top was pretty mild.Garlic and shrimps on rice steamed in lotus leaf. A generous mixture of both raw and cooked garlic, shrimps had been panfried and halved lengthwise, remember to say yes when the staff asked if you need soy sauce. Xiao Long Bao with pink vinegar. Very soupy and pipping hot. Sweet durian and whipped cream mochi balls. Really big in size and full of creamy durian filling inside. Very delicious and tasty Cantonese dim sums at decent price and a bit of creative twists. My dad liked the durian dessert the most, it’s served cold with rich fragrant durian paste. I liked the garlicky shrimp steamed rice a lot. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-18
新式嘅點心店越開越多,所以如果想食點心,而家都未必一定要去酒樓啦。今日就試咗間係油麻地嘅新派點心專門店 "點心到",除咗油麻地店,另外有兩間分店係佐敦及旺角。依度坐得舒服比起傳統酒樓嘅熱鬧喧嘩,更能享受點心嘅美味。入到去,店內裝修明亮簡潔,地方雖然唔係好大,但坐係卡位會比較闊落及感覺舒服。依家所有點心即叫即蒸,更設有香港工場,確保食物新鮮。茶芥每位$5,無另收加一,可以 QR code落單。黑蒜螺片燉肉排湯    $40燉盅熱騰騰的,湯真的有好多材料,有螺片、黑蒜、淮山、雞腳、紅棗、杞子、排骨及桂圓等,係濃郁而不油膩嘅湯,也有香濃嘅黑蒜味,非常足料。籠仔鳳爪排骨飯 $37依個飯size都幾大,鳳爪同排骨醃得好入味,肉質鬆軟,米飯吸收咗排骨嘅肉汁,食落好滋味。蝦餃    $32 蝦餃餡料粒粒飽滿,爽口足料,蝦肉新鮮都好大隻,外皮晶瑩剔透,皮薄餡靚,可以揀2粒或4粒。濃湯鮮竹卷 $21牛奶色嘅上湯,香濃順滑,腐皮裡面有紅蘿蔔、沙葛、木耳等材料,浸在清甜嘅湯頭,食起嚟好爽口,好清新。潮洲粉果  $21外皮呈半透明,餡料多、好新鮮,有花生、白蘿蔔、豬肉、蔥等,口感豐富。燒賣 $16可以揀2粒或4粒。燒賣皮薄餡靚,上面有大大隻蝦,內餡口感香嫩,豬肉又夠軟滑,食起嚟好爽口,味道豐富香濃。濃湯杞子浸時蔬  $22  菜心新鮮份量足,湯底濃厚,但飲落清甜,抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-03
一路去開都淨係知金雞個邊,有日搭巴士經開見到呢到都有😳不過呢邊好少行冇食過,今日同弟弟仔去旺角行到去油麻地睇新屋添置野,就問弟弟飲唔飲茶?👶🏻:😳乜呢到都有茶飲架?食物卡通流心香芋包本身佢係話想食黑蚊蚊包(黑金流沙包),點知佢睇到有卡通包,就話要嗌呢個🤯好啦~~呢個嘅芋泥真係好creamy🥳好香芋頭味!氹小朋友食嘢同安靜嘅聖物😂黑金流沙包兩個人嗌兩籠包,我覺得其實真係好誇張😂不過佢啲包又真係好好食我同弟弟一人食咗兩個包,另外兩個就留返俾哥哥放學食真係超級留心咁睇住啲流心涵😂😂😂勁多漿爆岀黎,食嘅時候一定要小心😈峴芥鯪魚球呢個啲鯪魚味好出,仲超級彈牙!但係佢又唔油膩😘又係小朋友,可以自己安靜食嘢嘅聖物🥲🥲🥲醬皇金錢肚呢個係我至愛😘😘😘佢好大舊,超爽口又入味🩷佢真係好多舊,唔似有啲地方放大大舊蘿蔔墊高🫨🫨沙律明蝦角又係煎炸野😂我問弟弟食蒸蝦餃定炸蝦餃…佢話想炸🤭呢個超多蝦!幾乎係原隻蝦包😳😳好爽口,要食呢個腐皮蝦卷又係炸野😂但真心呢到啲炸物真係好酥脆!又唔油,佢哋依家愛上咗呢個,放棄春卷🤭其他呢到超近地鐵站,係油麻地站C岀口過條馬路就係,岀面仲有巴士站,其實係旺角行街行完可以過黎呢到食我今日就係由Aeon style週三特價日行完過黎😂😂😂今日勁多人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
油麻地這間點心店性價比好高!成為附近上班族和家庭聚會的熱門選擇👍🏻店鋪雖然唔大但氛圍都唔錯😆蝦餃燒賣(2粒)肉質飽滿,有原粒蝦仁,餃皮Q彈,搭配辣椒油,簡直是蝦餃控的最愛。2粒售價僅$16,性價比高😍燒汁釀茄子:熱辣辣茄子內裡軟嫩多汁,上面的魚肉入口濃郁鮮美。單點一份$25,屬下飯好菜👍🏻醬皇金錢肚:肚條嫩滑鮮美,醬汁濃郁醇厚,拌飯超好吃😄豐料糯米雞:糯米香軟,裹著各式肉末、香菇等餡料,分量十足,一個$32。非常實惠😃籠仔香辣排骨飯:排骨肉質軟腍,配上白飯。甜辣味適中很下飯。一份$37飽腹感十足!榴槤雪媚娘:是糯米糍😍QQ軟軟榴槤香味濃郁仲有榴槤蓉,絕對是榴槤控的首選🥰🥰🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)