Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (20)
PizzaExpress is really proud of its pizzas, its love for music and supporting meaningful causes in the community. Since 1965 the restaurants have been serving hand-crafted pizzas made with the freshest ingredients. Each pizza is made to order by skilled Pizzaiolos (pizza chefs). continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 22:00
*Breakfast Menu available on specified days
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (200)
今日叫咗兩個set lunch 係pizza express。南瓜湯南瓜湯好清,飲到有甜味,不過就唔夠濃烈,佢配上一塊蒜蓉包,不過蒜蓉包就得香味,唔鍾意食完蒜蓉包嗰種成浸蒜蓉味嘅就應該好啱食。蒜蓉包同佢跟湯蒜蓉包一樣,剩係得香味,食落冇乜蒜蓉味。對於我係蒜蓉控就有啲失望。肉醬意粉肉醬意粉就比較偏多肥豬肉,味道都一般,不過佢真係比較清淡,要自己加黑椒同埋辣椒仔。但係口感嚟講就肉同意粉比例幾好,唔會太少肉粒。北京烤鴨薄餅反而北京填鴨薄餅有啲驚喜,佢用嘅燒汁甜度啱啱好,而佢唔係用普通鴨肉,反而用煙鴨胸肉,用煙鴨胸肉令到佢嘅肉質唔會太瘦,食落彈牙啱啱好。成個餐最主要就係佢可以送白酒同埋啤酒,不過食物就比較清淡,如果唔係就要加啲調味料配合返大家口味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-19
今早約左朋友去沙田新城市食早餐,經過 Pizza Express 原來有早餐食就入去試下。早餐有驚喜,叫左杯 latte 有拉花,啲奶打得好順滑,咖啡香濃好飲,仲有我鍾意嘅 lotus 餅乾再來個生銅早餐,個蛋炒得好滑,牛油果同蕃茄仔都好新鮮。早餐也有 pizza 同意式焗蛋餅都好特別,下次會試下其他款式。服務都好好,第一次嚟唔知食咩好,侍應都好用心推介。上餐時間都好快,環境清靜,適合同朋友聚會傾計,下次會再來幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見到咁多人話服務差,我就放心了。其實大部分侍應都幾好,只係埋單出事!負責埋單個位黑衫樓面態度真係好差!我哋同一位女侍應表示要埋單,並出示新鴻基app想用優惠券。女侍應當時表示明白,攞左我哋張卡去埋單。黑衫樓面自行碌左張卡,我哋表示要用coupon,然後黑衫嘖一聲就掉頭走左。再過來時就大聲指責我哋下次用coupon早講呀,可以出去埋單架。妹妹新黎佢唔知咁多。原來做顧客要知道你哋餐廳流程,仲要了解埋你員工新定舊。我真係大開眼界呀🙂跟住再埋多次單,呢位黑衫樓面拎住2部掃qr code既機(掃coupon),好開心咁話:部機開唔到呀😆😆真係星期日既美好心情,都比呢位黑衫樓面一野掃走左。呢個黑衫樓面連尊重人、尊重自己份職業都唔識! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-30
Not a fan but the kids wanted pizza . Again , pasta and apps was soso . My pizza was the worst as the crust apparently so thin the oil from the ingredients soaked through . Christ , I know thin slice pizza but they just messed it all up . Not to mention they’re understaffed on a Saturday afternoon that cause some of the dishes I see just sitting on the kitchen counter . Deal breaker was the 16 dollar water service . What a joke . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-28
本身以為間間分店食品差不多,原來不是。Pizza整得乾爭爭又硬,咬到就嚟牙痛。朱古力麵包球完全唔係平時食開個樣。都未講飲杯水都冇要$16買支水。侍應態度差越叫越走,總括嚟講食完會覺得貼錢買難受。平時食親都幾好食,呢間分店真係唔得 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)