Terrible Baby

Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station, Exit C, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
14:00 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
14:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
14:00 - 02:00
14:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
14:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Cocktails Bar
Located on the 4th floor of Eaton HK, Terrible Baby is accessible from Pak Hoi Street via a dedicated neon-lit escalator, or the hotel’s retro glass elevators which provide a glimpse into the thriving scene as they move between floors. The space boasts a lush outdoor terrace that looks out over some of Jordan’s most iconic buildings, a Music Room, Gallery Room and access to Eaton House co-working space.

With music at the heart of the Terrible Baby experience, guests can expect a diverse schedule of both local and international live sets on a weekly basis

Matusalem Rum Gran Reserva Cocktails
This May, Terrible Baby will be taking you to the tropics with two special rum-based cocktails made with Matusalem's premium, velvety smooth and woody Rum Gran Reserva (15 Year). Meet Mingle-Mangle, where upcycled cold brew coffee-infused Matusalem meets apple pie moonshine, amaro, and orange bitters for a flavor adventure like no other. Then there’s Daiquiri #3, where Matusalem combines with Ratafia Rossi, Orleans Scrappy's Bitters, and grapefruit, creating a sophisticated twist on the classic Daiquiri. Stay tuned this May for a little more Matusalem magic: there might even be a guest shift coming up! More
Signature Dishes
Pornstar Martini Siu Siu Pink Angus Beef Burger Spicy Chicken Wings
Review (62)
Nestled in the heart of Eaton Hotels, Jordan Bar offers a delightful and accessible experience. The relaxed atmosphere sets the stage for an enjoyable evening. The star of the show is the Crybaby drink, a refreshing blend of pineapple and citrus that leaves you craving more. It quickly became my favorite. To accompany our drinks, we ordered shareable french fries and chicken wings. The fries were perfectly cooked, crispy outside and fluffy inside, served with flavorful dipping sauce. The chicken wings were equally impressive—crispy and tender. The service was friendly, and the staff provided knowledgeable recommendations. With cozy seating, dim lighting, and tasteful decor, the bar creates an inviting ambiance. If you're seeking a laid-back yet exciting dining experience in Jordan, I highly recommend Jordan Bar for its blissful delights, particularly the Crybaby drink. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-08-09
呢間bar 好有feel😍仲有駐場dj!食物都好唔錯👍🏻安格斯牛肉漢堡 $175 4.5/5✨成個burger size 都好大🤤牛肉可以揀全熟或者五成熟😍揀咗五成熟!牛味好香而且一啲都唔會乾😋入面除咗蔬菜之外仲有腸同酸瓜!口感同調味都一流🤤好有驚喜避風塘炸魷魚 $95 4.2/5✨估唔到避風塘同魷魚係咁夾😍😍有避風塘嗰種獨特嘅香料味,再加上甜甜地配埋炸魷魚超級好食!不過美中不足係炸魷魚唔算好熱,而且食得多會有啲膩🥲酒方面都飲咗幾杯✨好多都好有特色同幾特別😍影相都好打卡able但飲落冇話太大驚喜同唔係特別好飲~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-09
今日同朋友一行四人諗住去搵一個地方Chill一下,就去咗佐敦逸東酒店內嘅酒吧 Terrible Baby。 無須Book 位,只可Walk in。一入內已經覺得環境好舒適,聽住音樂,令人好relax ,而又唔算嘈吵,非常三五知己黎傾偈聚舊。每人都叫咗杯cocktail , 我揀咗Pineapple Express ,Gin 底,酸酸甜甜,容易入口。Pineapple Express HK$95The Boy and the sea HK$95Terrible Mary HK$95Boo Hoo HK$95另外,本身以為酒吧,食物都係finger food,點知份量唔少,味道亦不錯,男士都夠飽。 其中最喜歡安格斯牛肉漢堡配沙律及薯條,可以選擇生熟程度 ,揀了Medium Rare ,剛剛好! Angus Beef Burger 安格斯牛肉漢堡配沙律及薯條Hk$175Fish Finger Wrap香炸魚手指墨西哥卷餅配沙律及薯條HK$140Prawn Tacos烤大蝦墨西哥烤餅配煙燻番茄汁及薯條HK$160今餐非常滿足,性價比高,非常推薦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-14
近排想搵飲嘢嘅好地方,記得之前有嚟過呢度,但係唔記得咗個名,終於比我搵得返,一定要推薦一下。不過我去嗰陣記得係幾個月前,仲凍嘅時候,食完飯又未想返去住,三個人就決定去飲杯嘢。入到去環境暗暗地,好有氣氛,三個人安排咗坐好舒服好大嘅梳化,所以好啱傾偈同飲嘢。飲品都好特別,我哋叫咗唔同口味嘅飲品,對於唔係好好酒味好濃嘅我嚟講,我覺得啱啱好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-03
#chowweisik酒#chowweisik佐敦係Eaton hotel 嘅4樓酒吧~ 都去過幾次 🤭係油尖旺區,想搵間舒服酒吧嘅好選擇🤫btw cocktail價格喺比平常平少少🤏🏻可以按返Menu上嘅Ingredient揀返自己合適嘅味道暫時飲過幾杯,都未有奇怪藥水味🤪一🐾 🍸SIU SIU PINK!|$95Gin based 偏酸同Fresh有lemongrass grapefruit aftertaste 好啱啲唔鍾意重酒味嘅人✨一🐾 🍸PUPPY LOVE|$95rum based 酒味相對濃啲有一層石榴foam係上面好似奶蓋咁樣😹 一🐾🧀cold cut platter|$275四款芝士、三款ham 仲有nuts 嗰啲啱哂配酒一齊食 慢慢傾份量都真係幾多兩個女仔食唔晒跟住仲要take away😹一 🚏 Terrible Baby (佐敦)佐敦彌敦道380號香港逸東酒店4樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)