All Branches (13)
This local coffee chain is in the same group with caffè HABITŪ since 2012. It uses homemade roasted coffee beans to serve specialty coffee and hot Western-style dishes. You may enjoy casual dining here. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Thu
08:00 - 18:00
Fri - Sat
08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (58)
那天週末,我先出去淺水灣食嘢;然後,去赤柱行吓! 赤柱少人過淺水灣,淺水灣好多狗呀!🐶當時,我就係諗住未到夏天,少人去淺水灣游水,其實帶狗香港人都唔少呀!我完全低估了!在淺水灣,我首選是位於 The Pulse 的海旁咖啡店 <The Coffee Academics>!餐廳設計大開中門,麻雀仔隨時飛入來,好可能在食客腳旁跳來跳去,我就是發現我對鞋附近有麻雀仔, 然後,跳到大門一飛衝天! 牠們動作快好難影相!好奇的狗又會走入來!哈哈!相當熱鬧呀!對住耀眼的太陽光及淺水灣泳灘,環境優美,令人心曠神怡!由走入到離開,3 位女店員服務態度都好好!落單付款後,順便問靚女店員,最近洗手間喺邊度?她建議出面公廁,果然好近; 她強調商場洗手間只有兩格,週末多人可能要排隊嘞!至於商場上層,女洗手間有5格,衛生程度比公廁好得多!淺水灣食嘢,幸運搵到張靚景枱,帶狗食客剛剛走!Menu飲品及食物於落單後10分鐘送齊!Dirty Mocha $48熱咖啡加凍朱古力,賣相層次分明! 杯邊加上朱古力粉,入口先嚐到甘香順喉的咖啡,涼浸浸又未至於冰凍透心涼!拌勻底部的凍朱古力,帶出輕微的香甜!整體香滑、甘中微甜!Parma Ham Egg Benedict $138 英式鬆餅好燶,以配料掩蓋;我睇到無理由唔出聲!當靚女店員收走碟時,我順便話佢知,叫師傅留意一吓啦!我根本只可食到半件!嚐到僅僅的半件英式鬆餅,溫熱煙韌,荷蘭汁酸香醒胃不膩滯, 配巴馬火腿份量豐足,看起來幾油潤,卻是質感帶韌勁!油潤不太鹹的巴馬火腿與淡味的雞蛋,一濃一淡口味平衡,賓尼迪蛋火候恰到好處,輕輕用叉𠝹開,已有流心效果! 伴碟的沙律菜新鮮爽脆!淋上黑醋開胃健康!伯爵茶千層蛋糕 $52略嫌千層每層略厚,甜度稍微!伯爵茶味尚算突出! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-07
Lovely place for a weekend brunch with the ocean view. Love the all day breakfast (especially the smoked salmon is not as salty as served in many other restaurants, and the veggies are fresh) and the pancakes, plenty of options on the menu. Re drinks, not so much of some of the special coffees (eg the last one in the pic below, a bit too sweet) but the regulars are good (Americano or latte), hot choc a little bit too sweet. Overall recommended. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-03-21
After yoga class 60 minutes relax at coffee academics Repulse bay. Order Pain Perdu for my breakfast . This dishes mix with French tradition bread toast with grilled grapefruit. The taste favorite , one of the best toast I ever taste. Together with Americano coffee and hot milk on the side. From the window side can see Repulse Bay beach and people walk around . Why do we have to flight so far to find a beach and coffee in other country. We have all what we want in Hong Kong without running around. Can have free parking for 2 hours with 200 dollars spending. Really recommend to come to Repulse Bay (in the morning ) not too cloud. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
趁住天氣好☀️今日帶左狗狗去淺水灣行下散下步🐶餐廳喺沙灘邊,非常之Dog Friendly只要狗狗乖乖地就可以入去裏面一齊坐員工亦都好友善🥰 主動幫狗狗添水服務態度有一百分 💯🌮墨西哥芒果醬炸魚夾餅配扭扭薯條總共有三舊所以三個人share 就最啱粟米片好香脆包住炸魚柳本身擔心會有啲乾不過佢就配搭左酸酸甜甜嘅芒果醬令到味道好豐富好有層次魚柳略嫌偏細不過入面好嫩滑,做到外脆內軟嘅口感🐟本身嘅扭扭薯條唔知點解變咗薯角🍟我哋無咩所謂就無向佢哋追問原因🤣薯角就比較硬身,中規中矩🍝喇沙椰香鮮蝦意粉喇沙椰香味道濃郁🥥冇諗過同意粉竟然咁合拍,好有驚喜意粉軟硬適中,好煙靭而且十分掛汁而大蝦都十分彈牙唔會有雪味🦐加埋豆卜,魚片,青豆等食材做搭配🍴整道菜都變得格外吸引 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-01-26
昨天第一次到訪淺水灣這店,非常感謝店員的熱情招待,不介意我們一行9人,臨時多咗到訪人數之餘,店員一樣很落力為我們安排比較方便輪椅人士安坐嘅位置,及耐心介紹飲品。 真心藉得比LIKE 👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)