6-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
This Ramen shop is located in a small alley in Wan Chai. The decoration makes you feel like in Japan. It mainly offers ramen and tsukemen. They cook the pork soup everyday. And you can freely to choose the thickness and the hardness of the noodles, the concentration and spicy level of the soup, and even the portion of the ingredients. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (948)
📍幸屋 (灣仔)灣仔機利臣街5-9A號維昌大廈地舖==============================呢間拉麵店位於灣仔食肆集中ge 機利臣街,距離灣仔地鐵站都係7分鐘路程,都算方便👍🏻拉麵店有好多款拉麵及湯底選擇,湯底以大量豬骨每日熬製而成,除左拉麵仲有丼飯同多款小食選擇拉麵店屬於小店類型,坐位唔係太多,但都好多人幫襯,而且仲有好多人買外賣,出餐速度都好快,落單後大約5分鐘就有得食👍🏻==============================1️⃣雞白湯大蜆湯拉麵呢款麵職員話係最新推出仲係期間限定,所以就叫左呢碗麵來試吓湯底:豬骨味好香濃而且有滿滿骨膠原感覺麵:麵條幼細彈牙,浸左一陣湯都唔會變淋,而且掛湯能力非常好配菜:雞白—類似慢煮雞胸肉,肉質軟滑有淡淡檸檬香味大蜆—蜆肉飽滿鮮甜,無沙雲吞—每粒雲吞都好飽滿,而且充滿鮮蝦同大地魚味2️⃣魚介豚骨沾麵沾麵我地就揀左最基本ge 魚介豚骨湯底試吓湯底:一樣好濃豬骨湯味而且質地比湯拉麵再杰身d同濃味d,非常容易就掛到好多湯係拉麵上面麵:沾麵係好粗身,類似烏冬size,但口感軟滑,比烏冬更加容易沾上湯汁叉燒—叉燒係超級厚切,肉味好濃3️⃣自家製餃子餃子賣相好似大板燒,外層有少少沙律醬,所以會食到甜甜地,然後入面係日或餃子餡料,餃子皮餃到好薄但煙韌,好好食4️⃣芝麻手羽(雞翼)雞翼外層炸到好香脆,入面保留左好多肉汁,配埋芝麻非常開胃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-10
I stumbled upon Yuki House Ramen in Wan Chai, the food exceeded my expectations.1️⃣ Sakura Shrimp Miso Ramen $88This delectable bowl of goodness features a rich and savory miso broth infused with the delicate sweetness of sakura shrimp. The tender noodles and perfectly cooked toppings complete this delightful culinary experience.2️⃣ Grilled Eel Donburi $98Succulent pieces of grilled eel are artfully arranged on a bed of fluffy rice, drizzled with a tantalizing sauce. Each bite offers a harmonious blend of smoky flavors and delicate textures, making it a true delight for your taste buds.3️⃣ Japanese Cheese Rice Cake $38The soft and chewy rice cake is infused with the creamy richness of cheese, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavors.4️⃣ Wafu Gyoza (Japanese-style Dumplings) $38These delectable dumplings are filled with a tantalizing mixture of minced meat, vegetables, and aromatic seasonings. The gyoza are expertly pan-fried to perfection, creating a crispy bottom and a juicy, flavorful filling. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👨🏻‍🍳幸屋 (灣仔)📍灣仔機利臣街5-9A號維昌大廈地舖 「灣仔罕有極鮮味拉麵湯底😻」 幸屋拉麵位於銅鑼灣較隱蔽的巷子間,不過都好近地鐵站🤤冬天到,想食返碗暖笠笠既拉麵😋 ‼️期間限定‼️👍🏻🍽️熟成味噌廣島蠔赤雞湯拉麵必食!!激推🥹🫶🏻未食過咁鮮既拉麵湯底!!海鮮既鮮味加赤雞湯,會飲吾停,仲要吾會太咸👍🏻好正🥹🫶🏻配料都好好食,筍乾!!無乜醃味,脆口爽甜。一隻流心蛋開半🤤廣島蠔4粒脹卜卜,超鮮!!仲有2片清清地既雞胸,成碗滿滿蛋白質😋 👍🏻🍽️魚介豚肉沾麵 平時少叫沾麵,怕太咸🙈但系呢碗吾會太咸😻仲有一陣鮮味!!兩大塊豚肉肥瘦參半,正😋 👍🏻🍽️蟹籽沙律好大碗🙈好fresh!!惹味解膩😋 👍🏻🍽️和風餃子好多拉麵店既羽根燒餃子,大多都系一塊脆燒烘底,幸屋既和風餃子系一大片脆脆😻再配上小小卡夫醬,正😋 🍵另加選茶/水,選了熱茶🤤老闆同員工都會幫忙加水🙈🫶🏻 幸屋每款食物都看得出心思,足料且細膩,啖啖鮮。不只食物,更多的是人情🥹🫶🏻臨走時,婆婆提我地天氣凍左,要著多件衫🥹🥹🫶🏻 會Encore的拉麵 :👍🏻幸屋👍🏻一蘭👍🏻霸嗎👍🏻鯛白湯 #幸屋 #香港拉麵關注組 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-15
幾年前已經聽朋友介紹過呢間拉麵店🤣事隔幾年今日放工終於有機會同朋友嚟試吓😆🤍日式冷豆腐滑滑嘅豆腐配上鰹魚汁同木魚絲,非常開胃🍠吉列紫薯栗子餅炸得非常之鬆脆,熱辣辣,紫薯味濃🐷日本黑豚丼朋友無飯不歡🤣所以嗌咗黑豚丼~佢話豬肉肥瘦適中,醬汁亦都好食,甜甜地幾開胃,亦都係用咗珍珠米, 有口感10分好🦐蝦汁帆立貝沾麵有兩隻好大嘅帆立貝,溏心蛋,配上木耳絲,檸檬,櫻花蝦,紫菜,筍等等嘅配料,沾麵食到底亦都見到有蝦汁👍🏻而沾麵汁味道亦都非常濃郁,配上掛汁嘅沾麵,令人非常滿足🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-10
住港島區嘅朋友介紹灣仔呢間隱世嘅拉麵店《幸屋》,門口同入邊裝潢感覺置身於日本🇯🇵拉麵🍜店▪️金武士豚骨拉麵🍜拉麵軟硬適中,配料有木耳、紫菜、溏心蛋、椰菜及叉燒叉燒半肥瘦加少量肥膏,食落嫩滑豚骨湯底味道不算濃厚,較清淡我另加左黑蒜油(習慣左呢種味道)▪️和風餃子🥟呢個餃子真係不得了💯大阪燒的味道,冰花皮煎到好香脆,餃子吃皮薄多汁,真係世界級性價比嘅一間小店,坐得舒服,服務有禮,絕對會回頭,下次會叫手羽同沾麵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)