2-min walk from Exit A2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Bar & Grill Restaurant with contemporary dishes from French and Australian influences. Relaxed cosy ambience, great atmosphere for drinks and gatherings. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
*Last Order: 21:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (1638)
Level4 2024-02-28
Weekend 同朋友收工緊係食好西. 我地黎到尖沙咀 The Grill Room-佢係一間專門提供燒烤和牛扒等肉類料理既餐廳以高品質的牛肉和其他特色肉類並提供一個舒適且精緻的用餐環境,餐廳配備了開放式的廚房/燒烤區,讓食客可以觀察到廚師們既烹調過程🥩燒美國安格斯肉眼扒配黑松露薯蓉份量好多 有成16安士 岩哂叫黎share食既朋友們. 我地叫左5成熟. 牛扒煮得恰到好處 外邊係燒烤咁脆脆地 而入面既牛肉依然肉嫩多汁 切落去能夠見到粉粉紅紅既嫩肉. 而跟主食配既黑松露薯蓉非常之有驚喜. 食落加入牛奶打製而成 而且仲好creamy. 啖啖都有黑松露香 配以牛扒真係好夾好好味道👍🏻🍝香煎北海道帶子龍蝦汁扁意粉新鮮的帶子再加入濃郁的龍蝦汁.配以扁意粉加三文魚子👍🏻意粉煮熟後仍保持彈牙口感. 材料十足. 無論賣相同食物質素都令我地好滿意😀🏝️ Tropical punch加入菠蘿 多款熱帶果而沖製而成 飲落酸酸甜甜 帶有果香味. 賣相好靚 而且清涼解渴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-03
*・゜為了心太軟而三訪的扒房゜・*今次已經食第三次!個人是極力推薦呢間餐廳的 尤其係心太軟! 但今次失準咗少少有啲Sad 有朋友已經到訪 5次! 可見係真係好好食!環境依然的雅緻浪漫,今次係坐卡位! 更多舒服同靜~經sevenrooms book枱,會有 discount! 而且當日嗌 Set Dinner都有優惠啊但我哋就單點啦 ~原來朋友已經食過幾次了‧˚₊ ៸៸𓏸  慢煮鮑魚配日式醬油意大利飯 Abalone Risotto | $228lotus roots, onoins, dashi soy sauce原來佢哋嘅Risotto 都好好味㗎! 勁濃醬汁味但唔鹹!!睇落細細份但兩個人都飽肚! 𓏸 燒美國安格斯西冷扒配黑松露薯蓉 US Angus Sirloin | $388舊年已經係銅鑼灣分店食過一次覺得好好食!佢個薯蓉真係打到勁幼滑好好味!食極都唔夠啊!而快牛扒就大大份,唔多油花,紮實嘅口感姐係多啲牛味! 𓏸  78%朱古力心太軟 78% Dark Chocolate Fondant | $88今次無熱辣辣咁出個流心有啲失望! 前兩次食真係熱辣辣嘅朱古力流出嚟㗎!!希望下次食嘅時候個水準返返嚟!‧˚₊ ៸៸𖠿 尖沙咀 —— The Grill Room@thegrillroomhk 尖沙咀堪富利士道6-6A號爵寓2樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-12
早幾晚去咗尖沙咀試下呢間 The Grill Room輕奢裝修再加上浪漫嘅音樂好適合倆口子date night❤️Lychee Sunset (HH $78)菠蘿汁+荔枝酒好夾而且果香濃郁加埋honey syrup好甜好易入口👍🏻 Green Apple Spritz (HH $78)呢款青蘋果酒+sparkling wine+honey syrup少咗果汁明顯地酒味濃烈啲不過口感好清爽都算易入口Bone in Pork Loin ($288)主菜我哋揀咗個呢個燒帶骨豬扒肉質非常嫩滑而且有肉汁完全無平時食豬扒嗰種少少柴皮嘅口感配上香茅芥末籽忌廉汁同豬肉都勁夾可想而知主廚處理呢碟豬扒係落咗啲心機👍🏻Porcini Mushroom Risotto ($168)我本身好鍾意食mushroom risotto 呢度都整得好有水準菇味濃郁👍🏻 飯有咬口👍🏻 芝士同忌廉都無吝嗇👍🏻絕對值得推介🫶🏻Tiramisu ($88)甜品點咗 my all-time fav❤️ tiramisu 🫶🏻芝士好軟滑唔會過甜為今晚嘅晚餐畫上完美嘅句號❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-09
 我們一行5人都一致應為食物味道和質素都十分普通.  Seared Scallop Pumpkin Soup $138南瓜湯是最好味的, 帶子都好味, 而其他就真的不行了.Lobster Tail Tagliatelle $388, 龍蝦沒有龍蝦味, 只有咸味, 意大利麵不過不失.  Beef Tenderloin $368 慢煮牛柳, 肉質沒有什麼牛味, 口感麻麻, 完全沒有開胃感.  沒有下次.  All food are just very average except Scallop Pumpkin Soup which is quite yummy. Overall not worth for it.  But the restaurant is fully booked. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-08
今晚去左尖沙咀一間餐廳,叫The Grill Room 食晚飯,好開心,好滿意,我之前已經喺銅鑼灣嘅一間分店食過午餐,我都已經覺得唔錯,價錢合理,而且服務好,食物好好,環境衛生整潔。今日專誠同朋友食去尖沙咀分店食晚飯,今晚食左以下呢幾個菜式,服務同水準,我都好欣賞服務員嘅態度。呢一點真係好重要。我埋單三個餸兩個人都係$730。😋😋👏🏻👏🏻尖沙咀呢個地點,加埋環境服務,我覺得價錢合理。北海道刺身帶子沙律 帶子薄片上,調味都幾特別,啱啱好d味道。燒帶骨豬扒 配 香茅芥末籽忌廉汁 份量夠我食,再配個醬汁都唔錯,豬肉都好新鮮多汁。香煎帶子青口三文魚籽香草忌廉汁扁意粉個意粉煮得唔錯,硬度適中,醬汁濃郁豐富,青口同帶子都好新鮮,值得推薦。#The Grill Room @thegrillroomhk #hkfoodie #hkeats #thegrillroom #香港好去處 #香港打卡 #香港美食 #西餐 #扒房 #尖沙咀 #尖沙咀美食 #香港探店 #香港必吃 #香港美食攻略 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)